How good is your online reputation?

How to check your online presence
on Tue 15 Nov


My thanks to for giving me the opportunity to conduct an interesting experiment about my online reputation.


Being an L plate techie I didn’t know how to make my Google search “incognito” but a bit of online research revealed that one simple method is to right click your desk top image link and select “new incognito window”. Simples!


Here were my results after looking at the first two pages of results for:

Jane Buswell – Marketing, Jane Buswell – Social Media and Jane Buswell - Hampshire


  • Own website
  • Specifically relevant pages on own website
  • LinkedIn bio
  • Twitter bio
  • Guest speaker( s)
  • Pinterest – blog post
  • Guest trainer (s)
  • Blog posts
  • Website video
  • YouTube channel
  • Guest blog post
  • Article
  • Eventbrite


More than anything I learned the following:


  1. It’s worth spending time and effort to create great bios on your social media accounts as first impressions count.
  2. It’s worth reaching out and offering your services as a speaker. You may not always get paid for this but it certainly helps to build your reputation in a most positive way.  What’s more someone else is marketing you…
  3. In the same vein it’s worth sharing your expertise as a trainer if you can – again someone else is marketing you – this time it’s training organisations who usually have a robust web presence – often reinforced by Eventbrite.
  4. Yes it’s challenging enough writing blog posts for your own website but guest blog posts show third parties appreciate you and it's great for your SEO.
  5. Whilst on the subject of content marketing – do it! Not just blog posts but downloadable. resources, podcasts, webcasts and videos too.
  6. If you change the name of your web page you risk redundant links (oops).
  7. Make sure you say where you are based on your website and not just in your contact details.
  8. If you are able to complete your own meta titles and meta descriptions craft these well – they are your mini advertisements.
  9. Images come up too, so make them eye catching ones – mine related to blog posts.


This has not only been interesting for me but I will certainly use it for potential clients to confirm if they are on the right track and, if not, where I can help.

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